Basic Linoleum Block Printing
Instructor: Sophie Smith
Thursday, February 13, 6-9pm
Learn to carve and print designs into a linoleum block to create a relief print. We’ll begin by carving a signature block, which we’ll print in various colors and combinations. Then, we’ll carve a strong final image on a larger block. You’ll learn about design, carving techniques, printing and paper selection and finish the class with several completed prints.
Instructor: Sophie Smith
Thursday, February 13, 6-9pm
Learn to carve and print designs into a linoleum block to create a relief print. We’ll begin by carving a signature block, which we’ll print in various colors and combinations. Then, we’ll carve a strong final image on a larger block. You’ll learn about design, carving techniques, printing and paper selection and finish the class with several completed prints.
Instructor: Sophie Smith
Thursday, February 13, 6-9pm
Learn to carve and print designs into a linoleum block to create a relief print. We’ll begin by carving a signature block, which we’ll print in various colors and combinations. Then, we’ll carve a strong final image on a larger block. You’ll learn about design, carving techniques, printing and paper selection and finish the class with several completed prints.